Sunday, May 31, 2009


I am currently traumatized. Yesterday, I got emotionally raped. By a girl. I got emotionally raped. And I don’t understand why I am so shook up over the comments she made and the gestures… and everything that happened. But I felt drained when I left, and wished I had never came in the first place. It wasn’t worth watching you DJ to feel like this. I feel gross and dirty. Anyways. A week from today I will be on Haight&Ashbury with the love of my life. It will have been exactly a year since we both realized that we love eachother. I am so excited to be able to share the experience together again. BFD is going to be amazing. I can’t wait to be there all day with you. I don’t care that all of our friends will be there, also enjoying the concert. The whole time I want to concentrate on you and do everything I can to make you happy. That’s what I live for, is to when you are truly happy. I can hear it in your voice and see it in your smile. And when I know that your that happy because of me… well. Lets just say thats the best feeling ever. I am sorry I hurt you the other day. I know the only time you really get angry is when your sad. I try not to mess up, but sometimes I don’t think about the consequences of my actions. And after I mess up… I want to die, because I don’t ever want to hurt you.
On another note Spacesleeper is going to be sponsoring the band Cerra Velle. You can find them on myspace… or whichever networking site is best for you… I’m sure they have. There will be MUCH, much more to come about that and I am truly excited for the chance to get to work with these guys!

Friday, May 29, 2009


I have had a “blogger” account for almost three weeks now. To the avail of no followers. Thats how lame I am. Yes I realize that if I post a blog on one site… its the same on the other site. But somebody throw me a fucking bone man. There has to be SOMEBODY remotely interested in my adventures that doens’t already have a TUMBLR and a MYSPACE that is on BLOGGER and has looked at my profile… Or maybe not. Whatever. I feel unexciting. Thats not a word. Whatev.

this is why it started.

So what are Sleep Wrinkles?

Every night while your sleeping, skin can take excessive damage being creased firmly against your mattress or pillow. These "sleep wrinkles" are temporary and usually last only a few hours into the day. While this may seem somewhat insignificant these "sleep wrinkles" can actually become permanent. You are, in effect, ironing in facial wrinkles on your skin every time you sleep. Spacesleeper allows your skin to be free of contact during the night, allowing for more comfort and leaving you "sleep wrinkle" free. Here is a quote from the Doctor's Book of Home Remedies:

Keep pillows away from your face. "Watch out for sleep wrinkles," says Dr. Binstock. These are wrinkles that are caused by pressing your face into the pillow at night. If you're guilty of this habit, learn to sleep on your back instead, or experiment to find a position where your face is not pressing the pillow. You may see some of your smaller lines fade away.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Wizard.

“Well,” said the Head, “I will give you my answer.

You have no right to expect me to send you back to

Kansas unless you do something for me in return.

In this country everyone must pay for everything he

gets. If you wish me to use my magic power to send you

home again ou must do something for me first.

Help me and I will help you.”

“What must I do?” asked the girl.

“Kill the wicked With of the West,” answered Oz.

a side note.

I figured out I am horrible at blogging about the Spacesleeper. Maybe I need to do more research? Maybe I need to care more? My philosophy is this. No one wants to read about TMJ, especially if they already have it. No one wants advertising shoved down their throats either. They can seek out the cure themselves and I will be here patiently waiting to provide them with information regarding TMJ, the Spacesleeper, and millions of other things. Medical blogging isn’t quite my expertise yet… I’ll get there Spacesleeper. I will make you big. Don’t worry little pillow… you will bring sleep

epic shit coming soon.

Haha. I guess thats tumblr.s way of telling me maybe I should get on here more. It would be easy if I only had a laptop. I want real, real, real, bad. I don’t know how to get one. But I really need one. This sucks. Ha. I have 0 credit. What do I do about that? I don’t know how to build credit. Can I hire someone to do that for me or something? This is lame. HAHA. BFD coming up next weekend. Hella can’t wait. SOOO many good people. 311, YEAH YEAH YEAHS, Dead Confederate, The Offspring, Cage the Elephant, Taking Back Sunday, Metric, Steve Aoki, Designer Drugs, Villians, DJ AM. Ahhhh so fucking stoked. I am hella sad that Does it Offend you Yeah? got canceled. Hella day offff today. Gotta go get my customized plates NVHIPPY hella excited. If you see me driving around, give me a HONKHONK. hehe. Definitely trying to come up with some ideas for Spacesleeper. But like I said, its hard to work online when you have one computer, two people, and one of them does not get off the computer. Ya, thats Shawn for you. LOL. Its okay tho, as long as he is happy. I think we are doing really good lately. It sucks that Shawn thinks that you can never just be happy together without and addon. Like kids, or money, or you don’t live together. He thinks in our situation it won’t last. But I think it will. I love him a lot and I refuse to give up everrrrr. Listening to Cage the Elephant right now. I am going to start frequently posting a song of the day and a movie of the day accompanied by a review. Stay tuned kids. I will also add a weekly review of world news, fashion, and the latest shows I’ve been to. Its gonna be fun. Make sure you stay tuned, EPIC SHIT coming soon.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Alright so here are my thoughts on the weekend. I left on Friday to go visit Shawns parents in Clear Lake. It was extremely nice weather there and I always love finding myself in the middle of the Black Forest, thinking, “this is nature.” We were only there for the night and a lot of our time was spent resting for POP. We usually play a game of disc golf in Lake Port but we unfortunately didn’t have time this weekend. We left Clear Lake around 12, hoping to be in San Fransisco by 3 but that did NOT happen. We could have gone the regular way that normal people take, but Shawn’s parents insisted on us going through Napa, as it would “save” a half hour. Well we took the Silverado trail, to go through Napa and that was the worst idea ever. It was beautiful, and seeing the vineyards I’ve only ever dreamed of seeing were amazing. There were all my favorite wines being brewed right there and I got to see the start of it. Duckhorn Vineyards, Clos Pegase, and Rom Baur all in a row. Amazing. I think almost everyone in that town owns a limo and has their own personal driver. It must be nice sitting on the balcony to your 5 million dollar spanish villa watching your mexicans pick the grapes your reaping the benefits of for you. How lucky is that? Ugh. Disgusting how much money is in that town man. No lie. So we get lost and end up going to back to the same fork in the road 4 different times. It was hell. The half hour we fucked around could have been the half hour we saved. We stopped between Napa and Vallejo for some food and then it was straight to our friends hotel in Oyster Point to get ready. I felt super bad for Shawn, he was ready to go within 10 minutes and us girls took forever. LOL, thats how it goes I guess. Anyways we finally get ready and drive over to the Cow Palace. I was not prepared for how big that venue was. After about 45 minutes of fucking around at the car, learning that we couldn’t bring backpacks in, running back to the car 6 different times for various things I kept forgetting and cutting some bitches from Reno we ran into to avoid the hour and a half wait in line, we FINALLY got in. When you walk to the main stage area it was like nothing I had ever seen before. I was fortunate to be one of the first thousand people in, so I pretty much got to see the venue empty and then later got to see it jam packed with people. The light set up was as epic as Ghostlands in the main area. The floor was literally a pro basketball arena with bleacher seats that wrapped around the whole thing area. The stage literally rotated. Rotated? Yes rotated with about 4 tables of decks setup for the djs. Deep Voices was playing when we first got in. I’ve seen Dyloot alone, but the pair are fucking epic. I am not a huge trance person either but what they throw down I can only describe as epic trance. We went from Deep Voices on the main stage to check out the venue and the merch. The Happy Hardcore room was just way to HAPPY and way to HARDCORE. I am not a fan. That’s where you can find the true kandi kids, dub steppin and rockin out to some ultimate rave shit. There was a lot of cool merchandise though. Shit that I have never really seen before. Glowing necklaces made out of kandi and Paul Van Dyk t-shirts. Water was 3.50, which is to be expected. We decided to go try and catch Alex Metric at six. We had pretty high expectations of him that unfortunately were not met. I wanted some dirrrrty electro and he was a little to happy. Unfortunately the Electro room wasn’t packed all night. Maybe when Freeland Live and Flosstradamus were on. But I guess when Alex was playing a lot of people weren’t even in the venue yet. And man did I feel sorry for them. Having to stand out in the wretched cold fog would have sucked balls man. After Alex Metric I am not really sure what came on. I know we chilled in the bleachers for a while, watching light shows and taking in the epic venue. I know we watched The Toxic Avenger [hella dirty btw] and then after that I remember Deadmau5. The night was a blur of ecstacy, love, and epic trance. Which I am pretty sure is what Skills was going for. Deadmau5 had the most legit trance set I have ever heard. Now like I said, I am not a huge trance fan. But I do love Deadmau5 and the night really made me appreciate him and trance a lot more. About 10 minutes before Deadmau5 finished up we went to catch Flosstradamus and jesus christ was it intense.That was one of my favorite parts of the night. I mean of course Deadmau5 was my favorite, but being able to see him and then go see Flosstradamus just tearing shit up was fucking awesome. I have such an epic video of where they shoot off some huge confetti guns right when the bass drops and it is insane. I will post many pics and many videos probablly later this week. That was so hardcore man. After Flosstradamus Freeland Live came on and literally tore shit up. I love live techno acts when people are still spinning but you got live drums, bass, and keyboard to accompany it. I remember we had to go sit on the wall for a few as it was to intense to handle up close and the distortion winding noise they were making with the track skipping was fucking epic. Ahhh. Shawn was like “man, if we were standing right there we would be dying right now…” Ya, pretty much. We went back to the main stage to watch the end of Ferry Corsten and the beginning of Paul Van Dyk. At this point in time we were kinda coming down and exhausted from driving all day and partying the rest. We took a seat in the bleachers which at this point were as packed as the floor. Every time we sat in the bleachers though, we met some awesome people. San Franciso ravers are so different then Reno ravers. Sooo much more PLUR. I can appreciate the Kandi Kids there a lot more than I can here. Everyone is actually happy and listens to actual happy techno instead of horrible gabber that you can’t even enjoy. Just to many BPMs and wayyy to much hardcore bass. Ek. I hate that shit man. The scene there is so much happier then fucking druggie downtrodden Reno ravers, for sure. Although I didn’t enjoy Ferry Corsten that much, I can say the he through down the best style of all night. I loved the trance electro mix he was playing. Great songs, and new exactly when to drop that shit. Paul Van Dyk came on, and right as he did so a fight broke out on the walkway below us. Security chased the guy into the electro room where he got swarmed (so I hear) by about 15 yellow coated security, causing Adam Freeland to end early and LA Riots to start late. Paul Van Dyk was awesome as expected, but I am just not a huge fan of main stream techno so we went to catch LA Riots, with our friends Joseph and Mike we had met during the Toxic Avenger earlier that night. Those guys are fucking awesome. I tell you this man, there are certain types of people that are a cut above the rest. People you can only truthfully find at music festivals. They ended up being part of the crew for the rest of the night and it was truly epic. And one of the best parts is that they’re going to BFD next weekend, and so are we. Shit happens for a reason and I can’t wait to party it up again in two weeks with those kids for sure. While we were waiting for LA Riots to come on Adam Freeland was on the stage taking his setup down and Shawn went and met him. Hella talked to him about his Opulent Temple Burning Man set and it pretty much made my baby’s night. He is so happy in the pictures that he got to take with him and it definitely shows. Shawn says that Adam was a really chill down to earth guy and he appreciated the feedback from his show. LA Riots FINALLY came on and we watched about 3 songs of his set, but had to leave due to ultimate fatigue. And we wanted to smoke a fattie with our new friends before we had to make the 4 hour drive back to Reno. Back at the hotel room Mike rolled one of the nicest blunts I have ever seen before of some kind medical and we smoked it on the balcony reminscing about our night and talking about how epic BFD was gonna be. I am so glad we made such good friends with those guys and I am glad the night went as smooth and as awesome as it did. The 4 hour trip to Reno ended up only being 3 cuz we were hauling ass, but we didn’t get pulled over and we were in bed safely by 5. It was definitely an epic night and I cannot wait to see our new friends again and party it up in the bay, two weeks from now. All in all POP was fucking insane, epic, and a definite runner up to my fun at Coachella (although it could never compare, and are two totally different experiences). My favorite moment of the whole night? Screaming to Soulwaxx’ “KIDS” remix, dancing crazily in the bleachers with Tarra and Makenzie as Blake Jarrell through that shit down hella hard. Will post pics and video later. PEACE YO.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ob la di, ob la da. life goes on.

wtf. My tumblarity keeps decreasing. Lol. I guess that means I need to blog more. Can do! So yesterday was awesome I would have to say. Worked at the desk job and my amazing boyfriend picked me up from work and had some awesome surprises for me I must say. Looong day, it seemed like but I gues I ended up actually doing a lot. I am oh so very tired this morning. Stayed up to late. I am still working on this spacesleeper business and I will not stop until the world hears me. Yeah, I thought that it looked stupid and ridiculous when I first saw it to. My exact reaction was, “haha, what the fuck is that?” But then I got used to it. I had reconstructive jaw surgery. Doctors broke my top jaw and moved it forward, also removing the bones that hold your teeth together on the roof of my mouth. You know that rigid part you have to run you tongue across? YA. I don’t have that. Using the spacesleeper during that time really changed things for me. See I couldn’t take my pain meds. I was allergic at the time. And sleeping on my jaw just made me ache and ache and ache. I literally could not take it. I tried the Spacesleeper because my Dad kept pushing it on me (it is his invention you know). It ended up letting me heal better than I had before and cut my “not allowed to eat time” pretty much in half. It relieved my headaches and the pressure that builds against your face when you sleep and after that I was like “I’m hooked.” I pretty much don’t go a night sleeping without it. I look so much more refreshed in the morning after I’ve rested with that all night as opposed to me just cramming my face into my pillow for eight hours. I have grown fond of that little pillow I must say. Its not that I am hooked on advertising! I am hooked on this pillow. I don’t want to shove it in everyones face and say “HEY TRY THIS!” “BUY THIS” “TRY THIS”. I want people to like it on their own account, and I’m just tryin to get the word out. I am trying to help, and people are having a pretty hard time realizing that. I’ve been hatemailed a few times now, but I have to say its going to all be worth it in the end. I will make my Dad happy, and I will be helping people.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


At work… waiting for these stupid signs to print out. Yup, I get to put up all of our offers throughout the store [although I will not tell you where I work]. Its not necessarily a good time, but it allows for me to do things like this instead. Last night was great! I had an awesome time and my boyfriend bought me some sushi/chinese food. We sat and relaxed and watched Super High Me together. Smoking and taking drops of liquid THC [which I HIGHly recommend]. Our relationship seems to be getting better, as long as both of are actually trying. I am working on a scavenger hunt in the Reno area. My idea is to post clues on all my webspaces and to hide the Spacesleeper pillows around town. I think it is a great way to get the community involved. It is going to take a while to get that plan up and running though. A lot of time but not a lot of money, unless we have some sort of winner reception with free Spacesleeper shwag and drinks of sorts. That would be really fun but so much goes into public relations like that, not everybody realizes. You have to get permits for where you want to be, you have to have all the right advertising, vendors, partners…. everything. Its not simple. But we will get there folks. Our adwords campaign is down right now I’m pretty sure. Were venturing towards different avenues of advertisement. We having got results back of its actually working or not. I think today after work I will probablly go grocery shopping and possibly go see Star Trek in DLP down at Parklane. Geez, having two monitors up all the time is kind of confusing. Gotta remember the scroll lock key. I was looking at this monitor and my mouse wasn’t moving. Anyways, I am excited for the ETD.POP music festival in San Francisco for Memorial Day weekend. Six days from today and I will be there. Its hard to have fun and try to work all the time. I need a laptop super bad so that I can commit to working on Spacesleeper all day long. I just don’t have all the time and all the resources! But I am working on it folks. Maybe I’ll start an online fundraiser to get one! Good idea right? Well kids I think thats about all for the weekend update. If you have any questions regarding products, me or anything else, don’t hesitate to leave a note. You can also check out for all your needs. It works well for everything! From TMJ to camping! Who know pillows good be so much fun. PEACE&LOVE.


Just got out of the GeekSquad. What a long day. Its time to work on my spacesleeper stuff now, but I need ideas on how to promote! Do you have any? I hope that maybe I will be able to go play discgolf in a bit, but it may be a bit to windy. Only time shall tell. I would love to smoke but I must wait for Shawn to get home. Saw Rocky Horror for the second time last night, and let me tell you it was epic. Way better the second time then the first. Listening to some MSTRKRFT right now. Ya they are pretty much my favorite thing since sliced bread. Favorite song by them you ask? Heartbreaker, Featuring John Legend. I have my reasons….

Thursday, May 14, 2009

today, the ending.

All in all today went well, however uneventful. I watched the sequel to Rocky Horror Picture Show. A horrible little movie called Shock Treatment. It was quite interesting but proved to be a waste of time. I would not recommend it be watched by anybody. However I do strongly suggest the Rocky Horro Picture Show, both the movie and the play. Both are of EPIC PROPORTION. I hardly worked on Spacesleeper and am supposed to be planning a scavenger hunt event in the Reno local area. I am thinking I might have to put more planning into this then I expected. Which is by no means at all a bad thing… I just have to put more planning into it. Although we should be supporting local business we have decided to make some of the pillow over seas in China. We have an associate named Todi and are arranging plans to fly over and inspect the factory. I am terrified of China. I don’t know why but I feel like something horrible will happen to me if I go there. Am I wrong. Well other than that my thoughts have come to a hault and I need to eat something and prepare for sleep. And smoke a bowl. Yes people, as I may have said before SPACESLEEPER, LLC in an advocate of legal marijuana. So go at it you stoners, and check out while your at it.

thoughts of late.

I have figured that having a DVR really…. either benefits me or makes me lesser of a person. I can watch what I want, whenever I want. But I’m not really keeping up with the rest of the world am I? But how many other people DVR and aren’t keeping up with the world either. I am trying to get the Spacesleeper going, I just don’t have enough things to say at the moment. But as I get more in more confident with this new “Community Projects Engineer” position I think that I will find more and more ways to reach out to people. I think the best idea I have had so far is concentrating more locally then trying to go Global overnight. If you have any ideas or want to help, I can’t pay you, but I will smoke you out and I think thats a great start. Yes the Spacesleeper, LLC company does support the legalization of medical marijuana and are strong supporters of weed itself every single day. Just throwing that out there, although that probablly won’t help my company in the long run. Anyways, more to come later. :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

the beginning.

The Spacesleeper all started with a woman. Her name was Jamie. Anthony (the creator) looked over in bed one night to find her looking immensely uncomfortable. Her face was scrunched against the pillow so horribly that she actually had lines on her face from where she was scrunching. Believe it or not this "scrunching" of her face was causing Sleep Wrinkles! (which I will fully cover in definition at a later date and time)
Anthony didn't even wait till the morning to wake up! He got up in the middle of the night and started working on a prototype right then! It ended up looking like an Eskimo helmet of some sort! Anthony started testing it out, and even that early on, six years ago, the original, horrible prototype started making a difference in the sleep of our family!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Be TMJ Symptom FreeIf you are a TMJ Disorder sufferer, you know that there are many products out there that claim to cure or at least treat your condition. These claims are seldom backed up by hard evidence.
The Greatest Travel CompanionThe Spacesleeper is a new, innovative, multipurpose and multi functional pillow that solves problems in multiple industries such as beauty, sleep, travel, and comfort. Spacesleeper doesn’t move or slide down because of this it is great for getting some comfortable sleep as a passenger in a car, plane, bus or train.

Sleep Wrinkle FreeSpacesleeper’s unique design creates a space between your face and sleeping surface, therefore preventing any contact points. By preventing contact between the face and sleeping surface it eliminates any pressure, stretching, folding and permanent creasing of the facial tissues caused by sleeping.
A Million UsesSpacesleeper also helps those using oxygen while they sleep by getting rid of those horrible marks left by the breathing tubes. Put Spacesleeper on, then relax and be comfortable almost anywhere. This product with so many uses and benefits touching on key industries in the market could sell itself to anyone.